Being a Scientist at Gomeldon Primary School
At Gomeldon Primary School, we are committed to a high-quality, enquiry-based science curriculum that will help pupils, in particular our most disadvantaged learners, to gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of the foundations of working scientifically; to stimulate curiosity and value the purpose and importance of Science in every aspect of daily life. Our curriculum will enable children to become scientists by collaborating through research, investigating and evaluating experiences and will encourage respect for living things and our wider physical environment.
Teachers will ensure that all children are exposed to high quality teaching and learning experiences. These will hook the children’s interest, enabling them to develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena. They will be encouraged to ask questions about the world around them and work scientifically to further their conceptual understanding and scientific knowledge. Children will be encouraged to understand how science can be used to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, and analyse causes. It will provide opportunities for the critical evaluation of evidence and rational explanation of scientific phenomena as well as opportunity to apply their mathematical knowledge to their understanding of science, including collecting, presenting and analysing data. Children will be immersed in key scientific vocabulary, which supports in the acquisition of scientific knowledge and understanding. All children will be provided with a broad and balanced science curriculum which reflects the equality and diversity policies and practice in school.
How does being a Scientist link with our school values:
Reflection: Pupils will reflect on what it means to be a scientist and the key knowledge and skills required to do this successfully. Pupils will learn about and value the positive impact scientists from past and present have made to the world and will begin to consider the role that science has in future development and sustainability.
Resourcefulness: Pupils will be encouraged to recall and use prior knowledge to make predictions. They will be able to successfully access foundational skills and be given the key new knowledge to use information and data to come to conclusions and answer questions.
Resilience: Pupils will develop resilience by experiencing first hand, the importance of testing ideas fairly and logically, through progressive investigation and enquiry.
Relationships: Pupils will work collaboratively as scientists to explore key questions and make hypotheses. They will be supportive and respectful of each other as they share ideas and develop the key scientific skills to help them understand good practice and the uses of science today and for the future.
Through their journey of being scientists at Gomeldon Primary School, children will learn about Working Scientifically; Seasonal Changes, Plants, Animals including Humans, Materials (Everyday materials & Uses of materials), Living Things and their Habitats, Rocks, Light, Forces and Magnets, Sound, Electricity, Earth and Space, Evolution and Inheritance.
Science is taught through enquiry blocks, either as a lead or a secondary state of being. All National Curriculum programmes of study for Science have been carefully mapped across a 2-year cycle in order to ensure full curriculum coverage. All pupil scientists are supported through the school’s universal and targeted provision offer.
Children at Gomeldon Primary School will demonstrate a love of scientific investigation and an interest in further study and work in this field. They will retain knowledge that is pertinent to science within a real-life context. As confident scientists, our children will be able to question ideas and reflect on knowledge, by articulating their understanding and reasoning of scientific concepts. Our pupils will be able to demonstrate this by:
- Termly opportunities to showcase their learning and skills
- Pupil voice will provide evidence that pupils are able to talk with confidence and enthusiasm about what they have learnt in science using subject specific vocabulary. Pupil voice will also demonstrate that many pupils enjoy being scientists and are able to recall their learning over time – they will be encouraged to make connections with prior learning.
- Book scrutiny will demonstrate that science is being taught at an age-appropriate standard across each year group with some opportunities planned in for pupils working at greater depth and appropriate support for those pupils with additional needs. Work will be good quality and demonstrate pupils are acquiring knowledge, skills and vocabulary in an appropriate sequence. Assessment and book scrutiny will evidence that pupils can demonstrate knowledge and understanding, use key vocabulary and cover all skills in the progression document.
Over time
Through their journey of being a scientist at Gomeldon Primary School, all pupils should;
- Develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics - Apprenticeship
- Develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them - Curiosity
- Be equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future - Belonging