Gomeldon Primary School





Pupil Premium/Free School Meals

If you are in receipt of certain benefits and think that you might be eligible for Free School Meals please apply online at https://parentportal.wiltshire.gov.uk/web/portal/pages/home

It is important that parents make an application even if your child is a Reception/Key Stage 1 child and receiving free meals under the universal free schools scheme. If you are eligible the school will receive additional funding which will help us to support your child. Thank you.

Meals are provided by Cleverchefs 




Meals cost £2.50 each (children in years R, 1 & 2 are entitled to a free school lunch every day that school is open).


The menus are on a 3 week cycle. The dates when each menu is provided is at the bottom of the sheet.

Please note that desserts are subject to change.